
Showing posts from December, 2020

A Tree in the Mist

Mas La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló (Barcelona, Spain), December 2020 Against the canvas of the evening sun a tree is floating in the mist. Thick air, surprisingly light, though. A clean look beyond what you sense, beyond what you see. Gray mist floods your soul. a mist which obscures, distances the eternal white of crystal-clear light. Peace radiates from this corner, last evenings in the Fall; far away the sun takes a short respite to gather momentum to keep on shining, to shine bright  all over the world.  

Fellow Time

Puçol (València, Spain), December 2020   Time is neither a river, nor a path, it is more a loyal squire always at your side, always close at hand. Time is a companion, a witness you can trust: it always pushes you forward, on and on, whenever you just wish to go back and retreat. Time never gives up on you, it is always at your side beyond what you ever were, beyond what you are now, beyond what you will ever be.


Walt Disney Hall of Music, Los Angeles (USA), January 2018   Beyond dreams and wishes and intentions generously opens up a path of light sheltered from harsh shadows, embraced by the soft wind which rocks the branches of trees. Beyond dreams and wishes and intentions magnanimous hugs you the lush fertile garden promise of abundance, omen of the peacefulness which will lull you to sleep. Beyond dreams and wishes and intentions and gardens and paths life does go on, your life goes on.


  Puçol (València, Spain), November 2020 Swimming upstream, against the wind. A steady fight against odds you never even fathomed. Discovering your strength upstream against the world. This is your way. This is the way.