
Showing posts from November, 2021


  Neckarrems (Germany), November 2021 First moon in Advent, a meeting with the calm of patient waiting, of a guide leading you to the peace within yourself. Cold landscape in the Fall, almost Winter already, which warms up your heart and quietens the rumor of ice and fears. First Sunday in waiting, only three more to go, for the long cold to bid the night goodbye, for the day to reconquer from the darkness the light.


  Bad Urach (Germany), August 2021 Odd to realize that nearly twenty years did not leave any bitterness, but faith and fortitude and a new trust in life. Odd to feel how a bitter farewell turned into sweet balm to a soul ready to be reborn to fly. Odd to feel strong again, after a siege so tough, so merciless, from which I managed to learn to grow. Odd, but deserved, to be again at peace.


Mas La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló (Barcelona, Spain), November 2021 The bright crystal soothing the landscape is but vital water protecting, becalming. Icy exterior, seemingly harsh, a mask, though, hiding the resplendent energy of life and of light. A Winter landscape, water crystals cooling down, without smothering, the volcano of passion and feelings.


  Loch Katrine (Scotland, UK), August 2010 Dark cliffs, greengray breakwaters, rocky strength keeping the endless greenery safe. Greenblues embracing the shore, furiously sheltering the earthy heart. Calm heartbeat in peace and silence, a home warm and safe. To be an island zealously defending your innermost treasure.


Pacific Ocean, California (USA), November 2018   Sailing, no destination in mind, heading into the sunset, into the boundless blue of life complete. Sailing with eyes wide open, letting the wild, vital landscape flood me with light, strength and courage. Sailing recognizing the course, enjoying the voyage. learning on the way, loving every harbor, every sea. Sailing alive, happy, carefree, floating through life on endless wings, accepting the way, creating my own destiny. Sailing the ocean of life, dark waters, source of knowledge, light in the blackness of an endless night, light in the clear sunrise after the dark.