
Showing posts from February, 2022

To Build

  Walt Disney Hall of Music, Los Angeles (California, USA), January 2018 To make out of learned and lived a quarry to get the stones to build. To build a path, a house, a home, a shelter, a garden. To build a path to keep on learning. To build a house to nurture the body. To build a home to enjoy peace and quiet. To build a shelter to protect the soul. To build a garden to grow life. To build, simply to make sense of the path.


On the way to work. Albuixech (València, Spain), February 2022   Stumbled and fell, stood up and went on. A cycle easily unbroken, a system well closed. Stumbled and fell, stood up and went on. Learned something on the way, made plans, lived them through. Stopped without stumbling, smiled and went on. Kept putting words in motion, kept moving, going further. Stopped no more, smiled and just lived on.

Heart on the Mend

Northern Fjord, Norway, August 2015   My heart did stop sharing its beats, echoing with others, uniting bloods and souls, breathing just one air, feeling just one light. My heart did bleed the blood of rejection, the wounds needed to learn; and started to beat again while feeling without sharing, while sharing without missing any smile, any light. My heart did lose its beat, its harmony; it got unbalanced (and scared): it didn’t know where to send all this love which stayed back as an orphan starved for caresses.

Seed Time

  Tierra de Campos (Palencia, Spain), April 2011 Relative homey quiet calmness and then, with a vengeance, the long and busy days are back, meaning hours and hours away. Extremely long working days, feeling stretched and strained, waiting for the calm to return. My body tired, my mind slow, I long for the quiet of Summer. Fireplace, cooking, reading, a walk on the beach, some poetry… slowing down the rhythm of life getting ready for the time of seed.