
Showing posts from June, 2022

Changing Colors

  Full Moon, Puçol (València, Spain), June 2022 A patch of gloomy dark gray in an otherwise clear blue sky, shadows threaten to overcome. Near the precipice, close to the edge, close to falling again. There I stand up smiling, looking life in the eyes, pushing forward. Still flirting with sadness, but daring a challenging smile, pushing through. I find the rhythm, I dance all day long to the beat of my heart, just content with life, alone, but happy.

Past Today

Lake Constance, Germany, August 2009 When you still did not want me, I already loved you, when you did love me, I just carried on. When you loved me no more, I resisted to leave, though I caved. Today I still love your memory, but I am still alive and kicking and know for sure that one of these days I will love and share again my life and my dreams.


From my office , València (Spain), June 2022   If I could choose between you and solitude, I would choose you, no doubt, and leave loneliness behind. I would choose a life with you following your lead, your tracks in an intense exchange of love in a state of flux. If I had to choose between your presence and being alone, a life with you would win. However, as decision seems to be looming around and staying away, I choose in the meantime to stay put and make friends with my solitude.


  Mas La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló (Barcelona, Spain), May 2022 Dizzy from leaving known behind, from leaving home-like routine, from leaving your comfort zone. Dizzy in a new, tireless -though tiresome- unstoppable world, no holds barred. Dizzy, for time never rests. Dizzy before uncertainty, vigilant, in wait. Dizziness which changes into light, certainty, into peaceful calm. Dizzy for a new day, for a new way… and happy.