
Showing posts from November, 2022


Mas La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló (Barcelona, Spain), November 2022 Calm in the scent-filled morning in an autumnal November which promises renewal. Calm in the heart of an excited soul searching new meaning. Calm in the energy which moves the body which harbors the soul which readies itself for change. Calm in the resolve of the change which propels the soul to evolve by accepting and enjoying its way.


  Puçol (València, Spain), October 2022 Far from here there is also a home, a safe, cozy, lovely place, the shelter always inside yourself. Gazing at the horizon, feeling the sun on your skin, you will see the endless blue calling for your heart and soul. Release now the moorings, hoist the sails, let yourself go out to a new adventure. Hear the calling of your wanderlust.

Post Mortem

  Puçol (València, Spain), November 2022 Almost thirty years of my life, three years ago, thinking, feeling, being a certain way do complicate finding the way back to being like I used to be when alone. It is already time to be myself again, complete without the company from a past which will never ever become present again. Almost thirty years being a part of two, though almost thirty years, too, by myself, growing, maturing, alive. I am at last able to let go of what once was and is now no more; I rely on my destiny to lead the way, to teach me once again to be, to feel. I take my first steps into my home to seize from my place now rebuilt the life which in dark times seemed an impossible challenge, the life which I now enjoy as the beautiful gift it really is.


  Priego de Córdoba (Spain), October 2022 Warp and weft perfectly aligned to weave little by little a new life; energy, light, fresh air, new home to grow strong, to be new, not renewed nor fixed. I am weaving my new being with the craftmanship of an artisan whose tools and feelings create and let enjoy the harmony which subtly envelops and shelters all.