Six Thousand Miles

Mas La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló (Barcelona), September 2017

by an energy
you did not even know existed,
feeling happy, complete.
by a feeling of despair,
by the void left in your heart,
by the absence in the car,
at home.
At a home,
which feels now emptier
than you ever imagined;
learning to cope
with an absence that,
although short,
feels like a loss.
A sudden breeze
of light unknown,
of air so fresh,
improving, refreshing,
feeling suddenly like home,
vanishing after just a little time.

And being aware that
sooner than now seems imaginable
the gentle wind will be back,
you learn to cope,
to turn despair into hope,
to turn missing into looking forward to,
to turn blue into bright green.


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