
Showing posts from April, 2018

On the Edge of a Cliff

Cape Saint Vincent, Algarve (Portugal), March 2006 Standing on the edge of a cliff, looking back to the road you came from, staring at the sea below, at the path before you. Back, way back, the path you are familiar with the one dutifully followed, the one you know, the one which brought you to this rock on the edge of the cliff. Ahead, way ahead uncharted territory, starting anew the same old struggle, the same great hope, the same hardship… but happy and free on the edge of the cliff. Standing on the edge of a cliff, never alone, armed with faith and hope, ready to continue your way down the path, whichever you choose, giving this new chapter your all to succeed from the edge on the cliff.


Pio XII Avenue, Valencia (Spain) April 2018 Icy frightening void. Hypnotic paralyzing fear. Helpless. Pointless nostalgia irrational need to keep close what you knew. Unease seeing how your anchor blurs your very own self. Turn certain without a doubt. Open gallantly doors to a new horizon. Shine fearless. Embrace the terrifying void, make friends with it. Be able finally to bid lovingly farewell to the void as you fill it up. Learn happily to let go. Learn again to be alone conscient. Keep on being new accepting the World and whatever the Universe sends your way.


Inari Lake, Finland, May 2009 You feel it poking at you slowly slicing away what made you be you. Cold unwavering bright steel cutting deep into your core almost gently chopping away everything you love everyone you cherish every wish for closure you ever had. Something breaks, you just give in to the pain to loneliness to despair. Just let it cut let it slice at you. Just give up to stop feeling pain to stop feeling.