
Showing posts from September, 2018


Lake of Banyoles (Girona, Spain), June 2017 After a turmoil, almost a gale, I need some distance. Distance to come back to my senses and repair my impaired insight. Distance to trigger the knowledge I am certain to have in myself. Distance to tap into the energy required to face every challenge. Distance to let trials be bearable and accept carrying that load. I need some distance to again face life careless. I need some distance to just be myself without feeling compelled to always think of what-ifs.


Casa Batlló, Barcelona (Spain), August 2018 Bright blue in the sky, intense crimson in the sun. Leaden gray in your eyes, seasoned silver in your temples. Bright green in the air, dreams in pastel colors. Passion red floods your gaze, dark sparkles drown your skin. Soft breeze of early Fall, subtle scents herald solitude: Leave behind what you no longer need to open space to happiness and bliss.

With or Without

Autumn sky near L'Alcúdia (València, Spain), September 2018 One hundred and sixty-three days of silence. Five and almost half a month, day in, day out, getting used to having disappeared. Three thousand nine hundred and twelve hours filled with different kinds of hurt, with different shades of pain, with excruciating unresponsive silence. Almost a quarter million of minutes trying to find a way to dull the pain of solitude to just a quantum above the threshold, barely functioning. Nearly half a year of silence and not imploding, just learning to accept what I cannot change, just learning to change what I cannot live with or without.