
Showing posts from March, 2019

New Home

A Foreigner on a Tree. Valencia (Spain), March 2019 You fly, you go, you leave your home just to make a new one. You grow, you fly always closer to your goal, keeping old, making new. Your heart leads the way, the chosen path winds up but home again, embraced by the love that fuels you, in the love of your life. More than a home on a map, your true and only home, though, wherever your heart lives.

Orange Blossoms

Orange blossoms, Valencia (Spain) March 2019 In the air a strong smell of orange blossoms, white sprouts in a sea of green. Impossible blues, young fragrances in the air. The city awakes to the start of a new Spring: life starting, restarting, life just going on daring and bold. Orange blossoms in a fragrant Spring, snow in the greenery of orange trees; snow, too, in my heart which so dearly longs for the warmth of soil, of roots, of fruits.


Ficus in Valencia (Spain), March 2019 You look, but you cannot see. You know it is, even though unseen. You guess where, you forget what. You look without seeing, know but don’t tell. You smile, because it is though unseen. You dream of it, long for it, look for it. You go on, try to close on this unknown. The dream evades leaving you restless, longing, peaceless. You know it remains close by, unseen, your fingers about to caress it. One move, a word said, a subtle instinctive action lets the bright light emerge, lets the dream be seen. And so the new day keeps going revealing through gestures and light the very magic of life, the treasure of the thrill of a magic future in a perfect present.