
Showing posts from February, 2018


Symbiosis. Sequoia and King Canyon National Park, California, January 2018 New energy for ancient crossroads. New tests searching for the right path. Maybe time to grow and improve? A new search to materialize twinkles of the Soul into the timespace of the Body.


Sequoia and King Canyon National Park, California, January 2018 A cold morning in the winter, slowly, undeterred, the Sun kisses the Earth awake. The warm caress of the morning locks out of their refuges the fugitives of the night, the ones who wisely sought shelter from the freezing light of a Moon that remained misunderstood.

Haiku #1

La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló (Barcelona, Spain), February 2018 And in the cold wintery sun, lonely in the light, from the frosty thaw a flower sprouts.