
Showing posts from July, 2019


Mas La Plana, Santa Maria d'Oló )Barcelona, Spain), July 2019 To be one with the air, unravaged by summer; thirsting for freshness, eager for peace. The salt of life cauterizes unscathed the perpetual wound inflicted by lost love. Like salt, I wish to absorb into my core every shadow around, to dissolve, infinite, in the Light. In the Light I will be able to be permanently, to flow anonymously, gleaming though invisible. From the Light that I am I will be sheltering my people all along their ways from the vantage point of experience lived. To be deliquescent like the salt of life, like Shadow and Light to become daydreaming air, to be a fruitful mist of peace.


Pont de Les Flors (Flowers Bridge), València (Spain), July 2019 Suddenly I let go of air I was not even breathing. I get back the light, radiant energy, vital force. I sail swift through new seas I had forgotten. I respond fast to the call of life, with no hindrance. I fly happy just for the fun of soaring in the air. Finally, I am getting back strength, rhythm, laughter, feelings. I live afresh, excited like a child opening a new gift.


Araucaria, La Pobla de Farnals (Valencia, Spain), July 2019 In the calm after the shipwreck, I find comfort and solace in the fragrances in the shadowy shore, where my senses all but start, unwillingly, a fireless burning, the wonder of feeling loved, light, to lift up in the air with my feet anchored to the ground, with my eyes roaming free, expanding to the sky.