A Prayer

St. Nicholas Church, Valencia (Spain), August 2016
Life is not a struggle,
but a path we struggle along:
sometimes lost,
sometimes with a goal;
sometimes in despair,
but always hopeful.
Always with our hearts,
the most powerful of tools.
And with our souls,
that very delicate safety blanket.
And so I go, day after day,
seemingly alone,
but never really that way.
Whenever despair threatens
to cloud my senses,
to clog up my way through life,
I pray.
I pray like the child I once was
to an almighty god above
to get what I then so dearly needed.
I pray like the child within myself
to a god above
I do not seem to understand
to get that warm feeling
the world is not against me.
I pray like the man I am
to a god I guess somewhere
to protect me
from all and everything around.

Although now I pray too
like the soul I know I am
to a god always within myself
to help me accept whatever comes my way
with not a single question,
with not a single doubt
with just a loving smile.


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