Voices in the Night

Sant Joan d'Oló (Barcelona, Spain), October 2017

A fire in the middle,
a reddish glow in the night.
Drums in relentless air
pulsing in the rhythm of life.
Primal voices resounding,
a tribal instinct in the air,
unyielding in the rhythm of the heart.
A voice changed into a scream,
a scream heavy with vital ballast
which heaves idle anchors
and gives itself to the air of the night.
Each voice delivered into the air
heals a wound.
Each voice delivered into the air
opens up a space for light.
Each voice delivered into the air
expands selfless your limits.
Each voice delivered into the air
moves you closer to being
you, here and now.
Each voice in the reddish glow of the night
announces the unstoppable arrival
of the day you yearn for.


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